USS Maddox
Destroyer Association
Author Joe F. Mabry 1992
Membership approval March
30, 1992
Amendments approval August
8, 1992
Reprint of Bylaws July 30,
Amendments Approval June
22, 1996
Amendments Approval June
7, 1997
Amendments Approval September
14, 2000
In Memorial
the men of the USS Maddox
who gave their lives in defense of
the United States of America.
DD 622,
July 10, 1943
Two hundred, ten officers and men
DD 731,
January 21, 1945
Nine officers and men.
And to
our former shipmates who have
since passed away, we dedicate
this book of By-laws.
updated 3-28-2001
By: Joe
Enclosed in this booklet is a complete and updated
copy of the bylaws including all amendments from amendment #1 through amendment
#17. In the future when amendments are made each member will receive a
copy of all new amendments only, not the entire booklet. It will be the
responsibility of each member to remove the old page number the booklet
and replace with the new page number.
NOTE:This Internet
version has incorporated all amendments into the text, without identification
of each change. The same procedure will be followed for future amendments.
of the U.S.S. Maddox Destroyer Association
I – Name and Objectives
Section 1. Name
The name of the organization is the U.S.S. Maddox
Destroyer Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association).
Section 2. Objectives
The objectives of the Association are to maintain
the same high level of patriotism, cooperation, friendship and morale among
the survivors as existed among the personnel attached to the U.S.S. Maddox
DD168, DD731, or DD622.
and recording the personnel, places and events directly related to the
U.S. S. Maddox and her history.
researched historical accounts through the news media, educational activities,
the Library of Congress, and other appropriate channels.
outstanding accomplishments.
the memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice on the U.S.S. Maddox
and the survivors who have since passed away.
the exchange of information by means of publications, meetings, and reunions.
both independently and in cooperation with other clubs and activities in
mutually beneficial projects of a patriotic nature.
social and recreational activities for members and their families.
II – Powers and Constraints
Section 1. Powers
The powers of the Association reside in its members.
These powers are exercised on behalf of the membership by an elected Board
of Directors.
Section 2. Constraints
The Association in nonprofit, nonsectarian, and
nonpartisan. It cannot endorse or disparage a commercial enterprise a political
platform, or a candidate for public office. No part of any funds collected
or received from any source shall inure to the benefit of any member of
individual, and no officer or director of the Association Shall receive
any compensation for services as an officer or director.
Section 3. Use of Name
Only persons authorized by the Board of Directors
and only for Association purposes, singly or in combination, may use the
Association name and seal.
Section 4. Dissolution
In the event or the dissolution of the Association,
or in the event the Association ceases to exist for its objectives as contained
in these bylaws, the Board of Directors shall consign all cash assets of
the Association to the Navy Relief Society and all memorabilia and other
assets of the Association to the Navy Memorial, Washington, D.C. and/or
to a Navy museum. Under no circumstances shall any of the assets of the
Association during the existence and/or dissolution thereof go to and/or
be distributed to any member of the Association.
III – Membership
Section 1. Eligibility
Any person who was attaché to the U.S.S.
Maddox DD168, DD731, or DD622 for any length of time with honorable discharge
shall be eligible for membership. Also, if the former crewmember is deceased,
his spouse, children, or grandchildren shall be eligible for membership.
Section 2. Standing
A member shall be considered in good standing if
his dues are paid for the current clendar year s defined in Article IV.
IV – Dues
Annual dues, an amount as approved by a majority vote
of the membership, will be payable by December 31st for the
ensuing calendar year and become delinquent after March 31st.
The annual dues of full membership shall be $20.00,
allowing the members full benefits of the Association.
A roster membership will be allowed, with dues of
$5.00 annually. This permits a person’s name to be placed on the mailing
list and his name shall be placed in the directory. A roster member will
not be a voting member nor will he be eligible to attend meetings unless
the membership is upgraded to full membership.
The dues and other funds will be used for the ongoing
operation of the Association. Annual excess of revenue over expenses shall
be placed into a fund for veterans’ charitable cause.
V – Officers
The officers of this Association shall be President,
Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Association Chaplain. Any person
who was attached to the U.S.S. Maddox DD168, DD731, or DD622 for any length
of time, who served in wartime or peace time, shall be eligible for nomination
as President, Vice?President, Secretary, or Treasurer. All nominees must
be in good standing.
In case of a vacancy in the office of Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer, or Association Chaplain, the President shall use
his discretion in filling the position until the next election.
VI – Board of Directors
Any person who was attached to the U.S.S. Maddox DD168,
DD731, or DD622 who served in wartime or peacetime shall be eligible of
nomination as a member of the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall consist of a body of
eleven people. This board shall consist of the officers of the Association
as set forth in Article V. The remainder of the Board of Directors shall
consist of members from the general membership of the Association. All
nominees shall be members in good standing.
In case of a vacancy in the Board of Directors, the
President shall use his discretion in filling the position until the next
Section 1. Composition
In addition to the officers, the Board of Directors
shall consist of the Historian, the Parliamentarian, the Editor, the Public
Affairs Officer, the Official Photographer, and the Membership Chairman.
Section 2. Quorum
Five members of the Board of Directors including
one elected officer, present in person, shall constitute a quorum.
A quorum shall be met before business is transacted
at any Board of Directors meeting.
Section 3. Attendance at meeting
All members of the Board of Directors are expected
to attend both the annual Membership and the Board of Directors meetings.
Section 4. President
The President shall be Chairman of the Board of
Directors, but as a non-voting member except in the event of a tie. It
shall be his responsibility to handle the Association’s day to day operation
and to keep the Board of Directors informed.
VII – Terms of Office
Section 1. Officers
The officers of the Association shall serve for
a term of two years. At the first meeting one-half of the officers shall
be chosen by lot to serve a one year term and the remaining officers a
two year term, thereafter, all officers shall serve a full term of two
years. The office of chaplain shall have not time limit.
Newly elected officers shall begin their terms of
office beginning immediately following the conclusion of the annual meeting.
Any member appointed by the President to fill a vacancy
as an officer will be eligible to complete the remaining term of that office
and also will be eligible to run and, if elected, hold the same office
for a term of two years. After serving a term of two years, the member
may run for the same office and, if elected serve another two year term.
No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms as an elected officer
in the same office.
Section 2. Directors
Directors shall serve a term of two years. At the
first annual meeting one-half of the directors shall be chosen by lot to
serve a one-year term of two years.
Any member appointed by the President to fill vacancy
as a member of the Board of Directors will be eligible to complete the
remaining term of that office and also will eligible to run for and, if
elected, to hold the same office for a term of two years. After serving
a term of two years, the member may run for the same office and, if elected,
serve for another two-year term. No member shall be eligible to serve more
than two consecutive terms as an elected member of the Board of Directors.
Newly elected directors shall begin their terms as
directors immediately following the conclusion of the annual meeting.
VIII – Duties of Officers
Section 1. President
The President shall preside at all meetings of the
Association and of the Board of Directors. He shall appoint the chairmen
of all committees, and supervise directly or indirectly their work, except
the Nominating Committee. He may appoint special committees as required.
He shall act as the executive officer of the Association and, in general,
perform the duties usually associated with the office of President. He
shall present an annual report to the membership at the annual meeting.
Section 2. Vice-President
The Vice-President shall succeed to the presidency
in case of a vacancy in that office and shall perform the duties of the
President in his absence or disability. He shall undertake such other responsibilities
as the President may assign.
Section 3. Secretary
The Secretary shall handle the correspondence of
the Association and maintain a record of the proceedings of all meetings
of the membership and the Board of Directors. He shall be custodian of
all records of the Association.
Section 4. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall receive all revenues of the
Association and shall maintain a complete and accurate account of all funds
received and disbursed. He shall deposit and disburse all such funds. He
shall present an annual report to be audited by a member of the Financial
Committee before presenting to the general membership at the annual meeting
listing all receipts and disbursements by budget categories.
Once the treasurer has been elected, he can assign
the day to day operating duties of his office to another qualified party,
if approved by the Board of Directors, but the elected treasurer is ultimately
responsible for all this is done.
Section 5. Chaplain
The Association Chaplain is a person chosen to conduct
religious exercises for the Association. He shall recite or lead invocations
and benedictions where such prayers are offered at the opening and closing
of meetings or other events, and (if a clergyman) shall serve the organization
in that capacity in such manner as it may require.
IX – Elections
Section 1.
There shall be a Nominating Committee composed of
three members appointed by the Board of Directors from among its members.
The membership shall elect one of these three as chairman.
Section 2.
The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of
candidates for election as officers and directors and shall secure the
consent of its nominees to serve if elected. It shall report its nominations
at the annual meeting.
Section 3.
The Nominating Committee will make all nominations.
All nominees shall be members in good standing who have given consent to
their names being entered in nomination.
Any nominee shall further make a commitment, if elected,
to be active and to uphold his office to the best of his ability in accordance
with the Bylaws.
Section 4.
Officers and directors shall be elected at the annual
meeting and shall take office immediately following the conclusion of the
annual meeting.
Section 5.
Absentee ballots for the election of the officers
and Board of Directors will be mailed to members in good standing by written
request only. Requests shall be made directly to the current chairman of
the nominating committee and must be received no later than eight weeks
prior to the annual meeting. Completed absentee ballots must be received
no later than three weeks prior to the annual meeting.
Section 6.
To insure that the President and Vice-President have
some background experience in the operations of the Association, candidates
for President and Vice-President shall have at some time served as a member
of the Board of Directors or held and office.
X – Standing Committees
Section 1.
The standing committees shall be: Ways and Means,
Planning, Publicity and Public Relations, Program, Membership, Research,
and Audit.
Section 2.
Special committees may be appointed as the need arises.
Section 3.
Terms of all committee members shall expire at the
annual meeting each year.
XI – Meetings
Section 1.
There shall be a minimum of two Board meetings per
year. All members shall be notified of the date, place, and time of each
meeting. The two Board meetings shall take place at the annual meeting.
The first Board meeting shall be held near the beginning of the annual
meeting. The second Board meeting shall be held near the end of the annual
Section 2.
A general annual membership meeting (reunion) shall
be held annually. At the meeting, officers and new directors of the Association
shall be elected to take office immediately following the conclusion of
the annual meeting.
Section 3.
A primary function of the annual meeting shall be
to select, tow years in advance, the future site city of the annual meeting,
i.e., the 1992 meeting selects a site city for the 1994 meeting. A genuine
effort shall be made for fair rotation of site cities in various areas
of the country.
XII – Calendar Year
The year shall begin January 1st and end
December 31st.
XIII – Parliamentary Authority
Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the conduct
of business in all cases in which they are applicable and not in conflict
with these bylaws.
XIV – Amendments
Any proposed amendment must meet two conditions. It
must be submitted in writing along with the date it is to be voted on and
it is to be presented to the entire membership three weeks prior to the
meeting at which it is to be voted on. A two-thirds (2/3) vote is required
for ratification.