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In Memorial
To the men of the USS Maddox who gave their lives in defense of the United States of America.
DD 622, July 10, 1943
Two hundred and ten officers and men
DD 731, January 21, 1945
Eight officers and men
and to our former shipmates who have since passed away, we dedicate this website.


Displacement: 1,154 Tons (Full)

Dimensions: 314' 5" (oa) x 31' 8" x 9' 10" (Max)

Armament: 4 x 4"/50, 2 x 1pdr AA (1 x 3"/23AA), 12 x 21" tt.

Machinery: 24,200 SHP; Geared Turbines, 2 screws

Speed: 35 Knots

Crew: 103

Laid down by Fore River, Quincy on July 20 1918. Launched October 27 1918 and commissioned March 10 1919. Decommissioned June 14 1922, Recommissioned June 17 1940. Decommissioned September 23 1940. To Britain September 23 1940, renamed HMS Georgetown. Stricken January 8 1941. To Russia in July 1944, renamed Doblesnyi. Fate Broken up for scrap in 1949.


Displacement: 2395 Tons (Full)

Dimensions: 348' 4"(oa) x 36' 1" x 13' 2" (Max)

Armament: 4 x 5"/38AA, 6 x 0.5" MG, 10 x 21" tt.(2x5)

Machinery: 50,000 SHP; Westinghouse Geared Turbines, 2 screws

Speed:, 35 Knots, Range 6500 NM@ 12 Knots

Crew: 208

Laid down by Federal Shipbuilding, Kearny NJ May 7 1942. Launched September   15 1942 and commissioned October 31 1942. Fate Sunk by German aircraft off Gela Sicily July 10 1943. 210 of her crew were lost with the ship and remain on duty.


Displacement: 3218 Tons (Full)

Dimensions: 376' 6"(oa) x 40' 10" x 14' 2" (Max)

Armament: 6 x 5"/38AA (3x2), 12 x 40mm AA, 11 x 20mm AA, 10 x 21" tt.(2x5)

Machinery: 60,000 SHP; General Electric Geared Turbines, 2 screws

Speed:, 36.5 Knots, Range 3300 NM@ 20 Knots

Crew: 336

Laid down by Bath Iron Works, Bath ME October 28 1943. Launched March 19 1944 and commissioned June 2 1944. Decommissioned and stricken July 2, 1972. To Taiwan July 6 1972, renamed Po Yang. Stricken in 1985. Fate Transfered to Naval Weapons school and then scraped.


The Last Reunion Was Held In


Letter From the Granddaughter of LCDR Eugene Sarsfield

I am Eugene Sarsfield’s granddaughter, Jane Vaccaro. My grandfather was the Commanding Officer of the Maddox when she was sunk off Sicily in 1943.

I understand that your Maddox reunion will be coming up in just a few days in Philadelphia, and wanted to send you all my best wishes. The men who served on the Maddox with my grandfather, as well as their families, are in my thoughts and prayers always. For those who survived that July day, I hope that life has brought you all the blessings and peace you so richly deserve, along with the knowledge of gratitude that is felt for your own great sacrifices.

The Battle of Sicily and the loss of the Maddox occurred generations ago, now. But time has not lessened the sadness of losing so may dedicated and wonderful men, and it has not lessened the emptiness we still feel by their absence in our lives. For you good men, and for the families who gave the greatest sacrifices of son, brother, husband, friend … know, as I do, that their legacies have made a difference to those generations that followed. My own daughter, Jenna, grew up hearing the same stories of my absent grandfather that I did, learning about what a great man he was, and understanding the value of his life, and of the sacrifice made by his family. She calls him “Grandaddy”, just as I did and just as her own children will one day. The loss of the Maddox on July 10, 1943 set his life and accomplishments, and the lives and accomplishments of all those who perished with him, in stone. He, and they, will forever be the greatest truth of whom they were.

I wish you all, all the best.

Jane Vaccaro

How's This for Amazing!!

I received the following email from Albercht Tobisch:

I have lived in Jamaica for over 40 years. In August 1968 I strolled along Palisados beach
and found the plaque pictured below, half buried in sand. I'm had it ever since.

With the event of Internet I found your website.

So the mystery remains: How did this well preserved plaque land on a Jamaican beach sometime before 1968. Any clues???

The Long And Short of It All Magazine
Dachshunds in History: Meet L.B., who is a Very Important Pup

--- Thanks to Roy Hyer

L.B., a Dachshund under a year old, disembarked in June at Long Beach, California. She had been aboard the USS Maddox, a destroyer that ploughed the waters off Vietnam with the 7th Fleet. LB was part of the effort to keep shipments of weapons and supplies going to the Viet Cong. Disembarking with LB was Marshall Lichterman of Alhambra, California, Yeoman 3rd class and ship's postal clerk.

When the Maddox called at Wellington, New Zealand in May, a newspaper there, The Dominion, reported that she was named LB for Long Beach, the Maddox's home port, that LB had 15 assorted sweaters for different kinds of weather, two naval uniforms tailor-made for her at Hong Kong, and two polo-neck jerseys for really cold weather.

Also, LB had her own miniature lifebelt. She slept in her own bunk. She had her own identification card with pawprints and details of height, length, and weight, her own liberty card, and a service record. Though frightened at first of the Maddox's 10 guns, she became accustomed to them, but she went to the bow if the aft guns were operating, and aft if the forward guns were firing. "Many of the ship's visitors aren't at all interested in the guns or the torpedo tubes," said the New Zealand newspaper. "All they want to see is LB."

Two Interesting Letters

John McKinley Downs was my grandfather; and I might add my favorite grandparent. He was kind and fun and loved my sister and I very much. Our county published a veterans’ book and my uncle put the information about him in the book. It read in part: “He was a Fireman First Class on the USS Maddox. He enlisted in the Navy for four years beginning 20 Jun 1918 and was honorably discharged from the Maddox on 24 Feb 1920.”
I don't know where he finished the remaining time. He returned home and married and had two children. My mother was his daughter. He was a crane operator by trade and moved around the country as an employee of numerous construction companies. I know he bought a farm in Trigg County, Kentucky during the 1940's. He lived on part of the farm until his death 05 Jan 1970. I also have a painting of him and another sailor. It is hand painted and measures approximately 18-20 inches tall and 10-12 inches wide. Any information you could find for me would be greatly appreciated and I hope this information will help you fill in the blanks on his service. I have a 14-year old grandson and he is very interested in the Navy. Wonder if it is genetic? I look forward to hearing from you again and if I find any new information in his trunk I will certainly let you know. Again thank you for your time.
Judy Williams


My name is Paul Barefoot and I live in Colville, Washington. My oldest brother, Edward T. Barefoot was on the Maddox (DD-622). It was sunk in WW II. Is there any possibility that there is anyone in your association that might have been on her that would have known my brother. It was sunk on the coast of Sicily in 1943. I myself was in the Korean War from 1948 to 1952. I was on the USS Mt. McKinley (AGC-7).
If you have any info for me, I would appreciate it.
Thank you for you time defending our country.
Paul C. Barefoot

(Paul: If you review this, please send me your email address)

Maddox History

The following documents and photos were collected from two sources. The first set of two documents were sent to Dennis Stokhaug by Dale Kelly who served in USS Shubrick DD-639 in Operation Husky along with Maddox, off the coast of Sicily. The first document is the letter from Mr. Kelly and the second is from COMDESRON 17 commending the squadron for their performance during the attack on Sicily, and expressing sorrow over the loss of Maddox and Cdr. Gene Sarsfield, the Maddox CO.

Letter From Dale Kelly
Message From COMDESRON 17

The second set of two documents and one photo were submitted by Rich Pascuzzo, the nephew of Leonard Pascuzzo, who served aboard Maddox in 1946. The first document briefly chronicles the Maddox ship's history from commissioning in 1944 through the early part of WWII, including the Kamikaz attack off Formosa. The second document presents the ship's history during the closing few months of WWII.

History - Part 1
History - Part 2

House of Representatives Recognition From State Of Alabama 2013


Georger Pink, Anthony Pascucci, Leondard Pascuzzo, and Rayond Pierone - Outside of Bimbo's Cafe.

Roy Hyer has created a Facebook page: USS Maddox Org

So all you Facebook fans, get out there and it a look.

Book List

(Started by Roy Hyer)

Here's a list of books and films that mention Maddox


Extreme Forgiveness, by Bruce W. Frazer & Carol E. Glasgow

Linebackers of the Sea, by Ray Lubeski. There is an extensive section on the Maddox that might interest all of you.

The Divine Wind: Japan's Kamikaze Force in WWII (Paper-back), mentions the day in January, 1945, that the USS MADDOX
was severely damaged, by a kamaikaze attack.

Tonkin Gulf by Eugene C. Windchy
And here's a good one - It's the transcript of the telephone conversations between the top Navy brass and the Secretary of Defense during the Tonkin Gulf incident. Makes for an interesting read. Telelphone Transcripts

Truth is the First Casualty by Joseph C. Goulden

Assault On The Liberty by James M. Ennes, Jr. (see footnote on page 201)

Halsey's Typhoon by Bob Drury and Tom Clavin

Torpedo by Jeff Edwards

Return from the Sea (1954)

General Non-Fiction Books About the Korean War (see: D.L. Sears Books)
At War with the Wind
The Last Epic Naval Battle
Such Men as These
(Spring 2010)

If you know of others, let me know.

Gulf of Tonkin Websites

The following web links provide various information and opinions about the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. The Webmaster provides these links for your general interest and does not in any way support, defend, propose, or advance any of these sites as true accounts. Rather they are the opinion of their various authors. They are provided here because of the general interest of our Association members in the topic.

USS Maddox (DD-731), 1944-1972 -- Actions in the Gulf of Tonkin, August 1964
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, 40 Years Later
New Light on Gulf of Tonkin

Did you serve on more than just Maddox? Interested in other ships' reunions? Then visit the Retired Enlisted Association's website for the latest reunion information. Also check: U.S. Navy Ship Rosters.

And here's another website to keep old seadogs in touch with each other:  http://navy.togetherweserved.com/usn/index.jsp

Another great link to other ships and shipmates is HullNumber.com


Depending upon the speed of your connection, downloading these issues could take a couple of minutes.  

January 2017 Issue


July 2018 Issue

May 2017 Issue

We need you all to send us your gossip, travel adventures, family doings, general life-style tips, etc. Longer articles can be posted on the website, while shorter items will be published in the Howgoesit. Kathy and I cannot make up all the articles ourselves, so we absolutely need your input. Don't blame us when you don't get an newsletter for awhile - simple, no input. So send your website articles to me and your Howgoesit input to Kathy.  Remember, this is a joint effort; it's how we all stay in touch and everyone needs to contribute to make it successful and lasting ---------Dennis Stokhaug

This photo submitted by Don Mettler, the Web Tender for the USS Hannock Association. Don's best guess is that the photo comes from the very early 1960's. The two aircraft midships are either AJ-1 or AJ-2 Savages, which were retired in 1962.

Take a look at the USS Hanncock Association website.

Here's another new photo sent to me by Roy Hyer. Ron's best guess is that the photo were taken between 1969 and 1972 in Long Beach.


The location of the gravesites for veterans and their dependents in VA National Cemeteries, state veterans cemeteries and various other Department of Interior and military cemeteries can be found at the National Gravesite Locatorwebsite maintained by the VA. This site also contains a link to the American Battle Monuments Commission information on service members buried in overseas cemeteries. In addition, their are links to information on burial benefits.


We have a page for those of you looking for old shipmates, or for those relatives of shipmates who have passed on, but who would like to get some information from those of you who might have known them. A recent request came from Cedell McDonald, who served aboard 1954-1956. He's seeking information on Chaplain William Howard. If you know where Chaplain Howard can be reached, please contact Cedell at: cedellmcdonald@att.net

To see other information being sought, click on this link: Looking for Shipmates.

I received word that a shipmate, Leonard Dominic Pascuzzo, FC3, who served aboard in 1946 passed away in 1989. If any of you oldtimers remember him, you might drop his nephew Richard a line at richpascuzzo@verizon.net.

Here's a photo of Leonard on the fantail from those days.

For a history of the three ships to bear the name, USS Maddox, click on History.

DD-622; Missing-in-Action status changed. 210 Officers and Enlisted Men declared Killed-in-Action. Read the findings and other related letters.

DD-622; Survivors and those Killed In Action

DD-731; Official Report of Damage; Killed and Wounded in Action

See the Maddox photo gallery:

Sinking of DD-622

Ship Photos

Action in the Pacific

More Action in the Pacific

People - Interesting Collection

Visit the Chaplain's Corner October 2012

This photo was sent to me by Scott Martin BT3, the webmaster for USS DeHaven (DD-727). It was taken by one of the DeHaven crew, Dave Anderson. Thanks a lot Dave, we really appreciate the fine photo.

These photos were sent to me by Dorman McGinty, who was a RM2 stationed at Cincpacflt in Hawaii.

Maddox and Moore (DD-747) were among a number of tin cans visiting Pearl Harbor in 1961, when Dorman took these pictures right outside his barracks. Incidently, when I was transferred off Maddox by motorwhale boat in the Gulf of Tonkin, I travelled 100 yards to my new assignment aboard USS Samuel N. Moore (DD-747)

This photo shows the Maddox preparing to go alongside.

Great photos - Thanks Dorman


Look up your shipmates. The lists carry information about our shipmates, both members of the Association, and those who are not, but that we have information about. If a shipmate is deceased, and their wife is a member of the Association, then I have included the name and addresses of the wife and have indicated that they are the member.

If this is your first visit to this page of all shipmates who have served on the DD-128, DD-622 and DD-731, please take the time to first carefully review your own listing. If your listing is incorrect, or your name does not appear in the list, please register. Please let me know what I can do to improve the lists or make them more useful for you.

There are likely errors in the attached lists of shipmates. Please review your listing carefully and submit any changes to me at: Shipmates Listing.

All Shipmates Listed Alphabetically

All Shipmates Listed Chronologically

Roster of Commanding Officers

Maddox Destroyer Association Bylaws

USS Maddox Association Officers and Board
Joe Stout
Vice President
Bob Wannamaker


Secretary Marci Taylor
Sandy Bayley
Rev. Justin McMenamy


Joe Stout
Board of Directors
Hoot Gibson
Dan Holland
Gary Derner
Ron Jones
Dennis Stokhaug
Ed Pirie
Bob Fairbanks

All Appointed Positions Below
Nominating Committee Chairman
Membership Committee Chairman
Dennis Stokhaug
Web Master
Dennis Stokhaug
Newsletter Editor Marci Taylor


Here are links to web sites dealing with various aspect of USS MADDOX and destroyers.

History of the Little Beavers, DESRON 23

Tin Can Sailors

World War II Documents

USS Maddox DD-731

USS Maddox, Naval Art - Note: As so many of you have pointed out, this is not USS Maddox, but a Fram destroyer. For the price, the artist should have gotten it correct.

Any question, comments or suggestions about this site, please e-mail Dennis Stokhaug

Maintained by: Dennis Stokhaug
Last updated
May 20,2024